[Global Network Comprehensive Report] According to the US “Automotive News” reported on May 22, Tesla upgraded its Autopilot assisted driving system in early April and added the new feature Navigate on Autopilot. The Consumer Report has tested the system a few days ago, saying that the function is far less reliable than the driver’s operation.
The Consumer Report said in a report on May 22 that the Navigate on Autopilot function was connected in a space-constrained situation, and the way of overtaking was also in violation of state law.
The Consumer Test’s senior director of automotive testing pointed out in a statement that “the Autopilot system is designed to assist drivers, but for now, this technology seems counterproductive. Incredibly, it’s against brake lights and The turn signal seems to be unresponsive, and it can’t predict the driver’s operation, so no matter what happens, the driver’s reaction must take a step ahead.”
In April of this year, Tesla introduced this new “seamless active navigation experience” that drivers can activate by allowing automatic lane change. The driver can cancel this function by turning signals, braking or using the steering wheel.
The National Transportation Safety Board said on May 16 that up to now, at least three of the fatal traffic accidents involving Tesla vehicles, the vehicle’s Autopilot is active.
Post time: May-27-2019